Smart Cats: Bringing NFTs to Life
project overview
Smart Cats are a collection based on Cool Cat #2426, launched by Smart Layer to showcase their technology. Unlike other NFTs, Smart Cats have executable scripts, allowing players to interact with their Smart Cats, complete quests to earn points, and message each other. These points can unlock new features and help level up. I was responsible for creating and illustrating the Smart Cat character, along with designing the entire outfit and gear collection, resulting in 9,847,384 unique combinations. The collection is now available on OpenSea.
Smart Layer
NFT Illustration
We Discover
Approach & challanges
First, the Smart Cat character was developed as a derivative of Cool Cat #2426. Designed to be smarter and more special, the Smart Cat features a semi-transparent body with glowing elements, frosty fur, and extra whiskers.
To make it stand out even more, the character was outfitted with various accessories based on NFT rarity: common, rare, and ultra-rare. Common gear featured flags from the top ten countries in the Smart Layer community, rare elements had sleek silver colours, and ultra-rare items were adorned in striking gold. This thoughtful design not only enhances the character’s unique traits but also adds a layer of exclusivity and personalisation for its owners.
Secondly, additional assets like toys and food were created to enhance the mini-game experience, making interactions more immersive and engaging.
A full NFT collection featuring over 200 items - including t-shirts, hoodies, headgear, flags, and accessories - was created and launched on OpenSea. Over 900,000 Smart Cats were minted by the Smart Layer community. Smart Cats is the first xNFT project on Polygon.
23 ETH
Total Volume
Unique Owners
Unique outfit combinations